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  • Kubicki, Dominik (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2003)
  • Nowak, Hubert (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2010)
    Reflection Bl. Maria Karłowska over work, scored on her own experience of work and congregation, based on the belief that its duty is clear from God’s command, which is considered to be equal to the commandment of God. God ...
  • Zwoliński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)
    John Paul II analyses a complex structure of man’s “presence” at work. He states that man’s intelligence enables him to discover production possibilities and various ways of fulfilling his needs. Work which is based on ...
  • Mazurek, Franciszek Janusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    In the created world the innate reason and freedom are the highest values. A person’s very dignity is a fundamental moral principle. The conception of life that is promoted by the Church is not „conservative”; on the ...
  • Ostrowski, Maciej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The right to free time and relax is guaranteed in civil legislation. The Bible and Catholic social teaching say about it, especially Popes Leo XIII, John XXIII, John Paul II, the Second Vatican Council, the Catechism of ...
  • Sławiński, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2018)
    Problemem społecznym, na który szczególnie zwraca uwagę papież Franciszek, jest wykluczenie społeczne. Nie chodzi w tym nowym zjawisku o wykorzystywanie ludzi, ale o całkowite odrzucenie; powiedzenie komuś, że jest do ...
  • Stępniak, Marek (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2001)
  • Sławiński, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)
    The article deals with political issues in preaching, especially when delivered independently of the liturgical context, as for instance, during the retreats or religious meetings with popular devotion. Liturgical preaching ...
  • Borutka, Tadeusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2001)
    Social problems are very popular in the John Paul II teaching. The whole, lasting 20 years pontificate, is extraordinarily intensive - in different directions: doctrine, priestly as well as humanistic and it is rich of ...
  • Pamuła, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The term „propaganda” has changed its meaning in history. The origins of propaganda date-back to antiquity. From the etymological point of view, however, the origins of propaganda should be sought in the Church herself, ...
  • Sychowski, Dawid (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2015)
    An attempt to evaluate the effects of the globalisation processes in the contemporary, constantly changing world is a serious challenge. The determinant of this evaluation is the Catholic Social Teaching written in the ...
  • Pokrywka, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    The social doctrine of the Church stresses that man is the basic subject of social life. This means that social reality, in so far as it is to be measured according to man as a person, should be based on the fundamental ...
  • Zadroga, Adam (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    The paper outlines the problems of entrepreneurship from the perspective of the Church’s social doctrine in which this category is taken above all in its anthropological and ethical dimension. Thus the author makes an ...
  • Stolarczyk, Ireneusz (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1999)
  • Kluz, Marek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2014)
    Życie obywatela to – przynajmniej z chrześcijańskiego punktu widzenia – droga, która prowadzi do Boga. Można na niej spotkać co najmniej dwie niewykluczające się rzeczywistości: polityczną i religijną. Chrześcijanin winien ...
  • Bokajło, Wiesław; Koperek, Jerzy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, defines the family as marriage of woman and man who have children. This definition should be perceived in the context of the Church’s social teachings, the teaching of John Paul II ...
  • Wilk, Jan (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2002)
  • Borutka, Tadeusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)
    Gods Word is permanent, unchanging, timeless and eternal. It is the true reality; indestructible by any power and not subject to any influence or cataclysm. It is a rock on which we should build our entire present and ...
  • Prufer, Paweł (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2006)
    Lo sviluppo, fulcro della questione sociale ed economica, scaturisce dalla esigenza di un nuovo modello che consideri l’individuo pienamente coinvolto nei processi economici, sociali, culturali e politici che influenzano ...

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