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  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (Wydział Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 2005)
    This paper deals with the biblical cosmology, presenting some ideas of the inspired authors on the structure of the world. Since there are very explicit connections between biblical cosmology and cosmogony, the conception ...
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (Wydział Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 2008)
    The main goal of this paper is to discuss the question of whether the flow of time is something real or not. The Special Theory of Relativity claims that there is no flow of time, that time is “frozen” and both the future ...
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2017)
    Tematyka artykułu oscyluje wokół koncepcji Bożej wszechmocy postrzeganej przez pryzmat głównego problemu teodycei, która stara się znaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie, dlaczego Bóg pozwala na zło. Jeden z argumentów wykorzystywanych ...
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (Wydział Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 2010)
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
    Emergetism is a theory which explains the mechanism of evolutionary development of nature by stipulating that in complex natural systems on the higher levels of complexity there appear some functions and properties that ...
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (Wydział Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 2006)
    George Lechalas was a French mathematician and philosopher which contributed to the development of the causal theory of time. He started a new period of this theory because he moved it from the domain of philosophy to the ...
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (Wydział Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 2010)
    One of the most popular ontological stands is dualism, which claims that the whole reality is composed of two different elements: matter and spirit. However, this conception is not able to explain, in which way matter and ...
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (Wydział Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 2006)
    This paper deals with the principle of relativity of motion within the theory of Copernicus. The author of “De revolutionibus” did not discover that the motion of an object is relative – which means that it has to be ...
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2016)
    Artykuł poświęcony jest problematyce działania Boga w świecie przyrody. Zaprezentowano w nim argumenty przemawiające za modelem nieinterwencjonistycznym, w którym zakłada się, że Bóg konsekwentnie respektuje porządek ...
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2013)
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2020)
    This paper deals with Saint Thomas’s view of the problem of the world’s beginning, which consists in an alleged contradiction between religious truth about the creation of the world by God and Aristotle’s concept of the ...
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2016)
    This paper deals with the conflict between faith and science. Since the issue is extensive, only selected aspects of this question are discussed. At first, the origin of the problem is outlined – it is argued, that the ...
  • Pabjan, Tadeusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2013)
    This paper deals with the problem of alleged conflict between the theological idea of the creation of man by God and the scientific theories that explain the origin of the human body referring to the process of evolution. ...

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