Repozytorium Theo-logos

Działalność charytatywna w świetle statutów synodów diecezji tarnowskiej

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord Rojowski, Leszek 2024-05-24T08:51:39Z 2024-05-24T08:51:39Z 2011
dc.identifier.citation Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2011, T. 30, cz. 2, s. 85-108. pl_PL
dc.identifier.issn 0239-4472
dc.description.abstract The ministiy of charity (diakonia) is one of the essential activities of the Church. It is as important to her as the ministry of sacraments and preaching of the Gospel. Love of neighbour as yourself, deeply grounded in the love of God, is an obligation for every individual member of the faithful and it is also a responsibility for the entire ecclesial community. This exceptional love is undertaken and accomplished in a special way at the level of parish and diocesan communities. This article demonstrates the ministry of charity in its legal and pastoral shape in the Tamow diocese in the light of the diocesan synodal statutes. Three synods from the years: 1928, 1948 and 1982-1986 have been taken into consideration. The detailed analysis of their regulations allows recognizing how the care for the needy of every kind was viewed and formed in a determined time of the life and mission of a local Church. This elaboration shows the rank and range of charitable activities, their forms, subjects and structures. pl_PL
dc.language.iso pl pl_PL
dc.publisher Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie pl_PL
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject działalność charytatywna pl_PL
dc.subject synody diecezji tarnowskiej pl_PL
dc.subject I Synod Diecezji Tarnowskiej pl_PL
dc.subject dobroczynność pl_PL
dc.subject dzieła miłosierdzia pl_PL
dc.subject katolicka działalność społeczna pl_PL
dc.subject działalność społeczna pl_PL
dc.subject miłosierdzie pl_PL
dc.subject posługa miłosierdzia pl_PL
dc.subject posługa miłości pl_PL
dc.subject miłość pl_PL
dc.subject III Synod Diecezji Tarnowskiej pl_PL
dc.subject apostolstwo miłości miłosiernej pl_PL
dc.subject miłość miłosierna pl_PL
dc.subject IV Synod Diecezji Tarnowskiej pl_PL
dc.subject ubodzy pl_PL
dc.subject potrzebujący pl_PL
dc.subject niepełnosprawni pl_PL
dc.subject duszpasterstwo pl_PL
dc.subject trzeźwość pl_PL
dc.subject duszpasterstwo trzeźwościowe pl_PL
dc.subject wierni świeccy pl_PL
dc.subject świeccy pl_PL
dc.subject laikat pl_PL
dc.subject wierni pl_PL
dc.subject duszpasterze pl_PL
dc.subject instytuty życia konsekrowanego pl_PL
dc.subject stowarzyszenia życia apostolskiego pl_PL
dc.subject stowarzyszenia pl_PL
dc.subject stowarzyszenia religijne pl_PL
dc.subject diecezje pl_PL
dc.subject diecezja tarnowska pl_PL
dc.subject charitable work pl_PL
dc.subject charitable activity pl_PL
dc.subject synods of the diocese of Tarnów pl_PL
dc.subject charity pl_PL
dc.subject works of mercy pl_PL
dc.subject social activities pl_PL
dc.subject Catholic social activities pl_PL
dc.subject mercy pl_PL
dc.subject ministry of mercy pl_PL
dc.subject ministry of love pl_PL
dc.subject love pl_PL
dc.subject apostolate of merciful love pl_PL
dc.subject merciful love pl_PL
dc.subject poverty-stricken pl_PL
dc.subject needy pl_PL
dc.subject disabled pl_PL
dc.subject ministry pl_PL
dc.subject sobriety pl_PL
dc.subject pastoral care for sobriety pl_PL
dc.subject lay faithful pl_PL
dc.subject laypeople pl_PL
dc.subject laity pl_PL
dc.subject faithful pl_PL
dc.subject ministers pl_PL
dc.subject institutes of consecrated life pl_PL
dc.subject associations pl_PL
dc.subject associations of apostolic life pl_PL
dc.subject religious associations pl_PL
dc.subject dioceses pl_PL
dc.subject diocese of Tarnów pl_PL
dc.subject synody pl_PL
dc.subject synods pl_PL
dc.title Działalność charytatywna w świetle statutów synodów diecezji tarnowskiej pl_PL
dc.title.alternative Charitable Activity in the Light of the Diocesan Synodal Statutes in the Tarnów Diocese pl_PL
dc.type Article pl_PL

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