Repozytorium Theo-logos

Poglądy społeczno-polityczne kardynała Prymasa Augusta Hlonda (1926-1948)

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord Serwatka, Tomasz 2024-08-29T06:11:50Z 2024-08-29T06:11:50Z 2005
dc.identifier.citation Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2005, R. 13, Nr 1, s. 125-167. pl_PL
dc.identifier.issn 1231-1731
dc.description.abstract Cardinal Hlond, prominent figure, was often under examination by historians of the Church and Poland in XX century under many aspects. For Poland and whole Easter Europe history dramatic events, which happened in period 1948-1990, shifted in explorers’ eyes position of Hlond on the second position. Despite of this Holy Father John Paul II during his first pilgrimage to Poland in June 1979, in Gniezno stressed momentous part of teaching as well as acts of this “the great Primate Bishop of Polish independents, Poland of twentieth years of XX century, Poland occupied” The author of present article, not being the theologian, but the historian of political thought, focuses on the principle plot which it was not in historiography analysed up to here, and namely on the Cardinal’s and opinions sociopolitical conceptions. Alone Hlond, despite that he outdistanced officially often oneself from “direct” he presented the policies, strength of thing concrete opinions in this matter, be likings antipathies. It could not anyway be differently because the position of primatial office was in that tense too great, doubtlessly topping the authority of change Presidents and Prime Ministers of Poland. Seems, that only Paderewski and Piłsudski they had in eyes of public opinion comparable with Primate position. The aim of this article is analysing is relation Cardinal Hlond to the most essential problems nation and state Polish it in period of prosecution by him Primate’s service. Interesting is his relation to Jozef Piłsudski, President of Second Rzeczypospolita Ignacy Mościcki as well as government of Piłsudski people and “the sanitation” in summers 1926-1939. Next the Primate’s opinions on pre-war the antysanation opposition (Witos, Paderewski, Korfanty, Endecja, Chadecja), the parliamentary democracy, system of the constitution of RP, the neighbors and the most important international partners of Poland (Germany, Soviet Russia, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Italy and France), at last his relation to fascism (Italian), the nazism and communism. In more far order – analysing period second world war we – will concentrate on efforts of Hlond connected from it saving Polish matter, and therefore on his opinions in the face of III Rzesza, Polish emigration government and approaching easterly communism. To the end (period 1945-1948) we will subject analysis to new post-war constitutional reality Primate’s relation, anticommunist opposition (Mikołajczyk, Popiel), border on Odra and Nysa, West and North part of Poland’s border as well as Jewish and German people. pl_PL
dc.language.iso pl pl_PL
dc.publisher Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu pl_PL
dc.rights Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject August Hlond pl_PL
dc.subject Prymas Polski pl_PL
dc.subject prymasi pl_PL
dc.subject kardynałowie pl_PL
dc.subject historia pl_PL
dc.subject Polska pl_PL
dc.subject historia Polski pl_PL
dc.subject Kościół pl_PL
dc.subject historia Kościoła pl_PL
dc.subject poglądy społeczno-polityczne pl_PL
dc.subject polityka pl_PL
dc.subject społeczeństwo pl_PL
dc.subject historia myśli politycznej pl_PL
dc.subject okres międzywojenny pl_PL
dc.subject II wojna światowa pl_PL
dc.subject wojna pl_PL
dc.subject Primate of Poland pl_PL
dc.subject Primates pl_PL
dc.subject cardinals pl_PL
dc.subject history pl_PL
dc.subject Poland pl_PL
dc.subject history of Poland pl_PL
dc.subject Church pl_PL
dc.subject Church history pl_PL
dc.subject socio-political views pl_PL
dc.subject politics pl_PL
dc.subject society pl_PL
dc.subject history of political thought pl_PL
dc.subject interwar period pl_PL
dc.subject World War II pl_PL
dc.subject war pl_PL
dc.title Poglądy społeczno-polityczne kardynała Prymasa Augusta Hlonda (1926-1948) pl_PL
dc.title.alternative The Primate August Hlond’s Socio-political Ideas pl_PL
dc.type Article pl_PL

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