Repozytorium Theo-logos

Rozwód a nierozerwalność małżeństwa w ujęciu wybranych tekstów Biblii

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord Kułaczkowski, Jerzy 2024-08-30T16:23:40Z 2024-08-30T16:23:40Z 2006
dc.identifier.citation Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2006, R. 14, Nr 1, s. 181-197. pl_PL
dc.identifier.issn 1231-1731
dc.description.abstract Marriage has been and is treated as a fundamental element of society in the past as well as presently. A relationship of a woman with a man was regarded as a marriage. Although this relationship has been and is subject to the influence of numerous factors forming ways if its realization, yet almost always understanding of the nature and tasks of marriage remained largely unchanged. Nowadays it is going to change. This is way a question about a marital unity is special actual and a necessarily. A deeper reflection over marriage is included in the texts of the Bible, which are fundamental for teaching of The Catholic Church about marriage. Inseparability, whose basis is good of spouses and society, is an important characteristic of marital unity, and through this, of social order. Divorce is contrary to God’s plan with regard to marriage, because it destroys marital unity. Human spirit condition, described by the Bible as “hardness of heart”, consisting in persistence in evil, defying God’s plan and rejection of God’s help – aim ed at reaching salvation – by humans, is cause of divorce. pl_PL
dc.language.iso pl pl_PL
dc.publisher Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu pl_PL
dc.rights Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject Biblia pl_PL
dc.subject Pismo Święte pl_PL
dc.subject małżeństwo pl_PL
dc.subject nierozerwalność małżeństwa pl_PL
dc.subject rozwód pl_PL
dc.subject Kościół pl_PL
dc.subject nauczanie Kościoła pl_PL
dc.subject ojcowie Kościoła pl_PL
dc.subject dokumenty Kościoła pl_PL
dc.subject zerwanie jedności małżeńskiej pl_PL
dc.subject prawo rozwodowe pl_PL
dc.subject prawo pl_PL
dc.subject grzech pl_PL
dc.subject Bible pl_PL
dc.subject marriage pl_PL
dc.subject indissolubility of marriage pl_PL
dc.subject divorce pl_PL
dc.subject Church pl_PL
dc.subject Church's teaching pl_PL
dc.subject Church Fathers pl_PL
dc.subject Church documents pl_PL
dc.subject breaking of marital unity pl_PL
dc.subject divorce law pl_PL
dc.subject law pl_PL
dc.subject sin pl_PL
dc.title Rozwód a nierozerwalność małżeństwa w ujęciu wybranych tekstów Biblii pl_PL
dc.title.alternative Divorce and Marital Inseparability according to Chosen Texts of the Bible pl_PL
dc.type Article pl_PL

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