Repozytorium Theo-logos

Wychowanie seksualne w rodzinie

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord Gubała, Wacław 2023-06-16T06:18:26Z 2023-06-16T06:18:26Z 1996
dc.identifier.citation Analecta Cracoviensia, 1996, T. 28, s. 243-264. pl_PL
dc.identifier.issn 0209-0864
dc.description.abstract It seems that we are now living in time in which the human promiscuity is being trivialised, and each day even more often we may see that people wont to experience and interpret it in a very poorly and limited way, only reduced to the body itself and pure selfish pleasure. But this point of view leads straight away to the abortion, which is much more worse than killing adult people. Therefore there is the great need of sexual and moral education in the sense, as to live in it in a much more complex way, bound together with the self-restraint and sublimation oneself up to the level of mature and responsible love. In this way, accepting that the sexuality is a part of human being, and the education on the field of love should be the basic thing which should be done with the great care, and we know very well that nobody could better do it than a good loving and modest family. But here the parents, who are giving life to a new-born child, are having the first and great work to fulfil, the work which is taking the worth of the in-transferable law which derives from the dignity of the new human life, which the parents have given to their new child, and before all, what everyone should have in mind, the new fife is the great gift of God, who is inviting the parents to create such a climate in their families which will mobilise such a sort of dealing as to give a dialogue in love between parents and their children. As this strength of families would be easily vanished, it should be helped from the side of upper-representatives, and even by governments. Therefore each government should take the great care in searching the helping-ways for families and sending honest, modest and right persons, no matter if married or not, secular or priests, who should be not only very good prepared but having unblemished opinion, being altogether keen and willing with their work so important. Such persons should be not only very competent about the moral and sexual problems, but understanding the problems and whole needs of parents, children and young people. But they must not belong to such a sort of people about which warns us our Lord Jesus Christ, saying: „Be on guard against the wolves in the sheepskins, which want only to kill.” In all these problems, the most important thing is the problem of the moral selfeducation, lack of which could spoil all other efforts brought in even by the best willing people. pl_PL
dc.language.iso pl pl_PL
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie pl_PL
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject wychowanie pl_PL
dc.subject wychowanie seksualne pl_PL
dc.subject edukacja seksualna pl_PL
dc.subject seksualność pl_PL
dc.subject płciowość pl_PL
dc.subject dojrzałość pl_PL
dc.subject rodzina pl_PL
dc.subject czystość pl_PL
dc.subject moralność pl_PL
dc.subject rola rodziny pl_PL
dc.subject upbringing pl_PL
dc.subject sex education pl_PL
dc.subject sexuality pl_PL
dc.subject maturity pl_PL
dc.subject family pl_PL
dc.subject chastity pl_PL
dc.subject morality pl_PL
dc.subject role of the family pl_PL
dc.subject purity pl_PL
dc.title Wychowanie seksualne w rodzinie pl_PL
dc.title.alternative Family’s Sexual Education pl_PL
dc.type Article pl_PL

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