Repozytorium Theo-logos

„Die Zeit unseres Lebens währt siebzig Jahre, wenn es hochkommt, achtzig. Das beste daran ist nur Mühsal und Verhängnis“ (Ps 90,10). Das Alter in der Bibel – Segen oder Fluch?

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord Fistill, Ulrich 2024-02-27T07:54:10Z 2024-02-27T07:54:10Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Family Forum, 2018, T. 8, s. 71-82. pl_PL
dc.identifier.issn 2084-1698
dc.description Artykuł w języku niemieckim. pl_PL
dc.description.abstract Since the Bible is not a systematical work, it is not easy to answer the question of how ageing is viewed by biblical texts unambiguously. One of the reasons is the perception of ageing in biblical times. Generally old people were appreciated for their life experience and wisdom; they should be respected accordingly. Old age was also seen as a reward for a godly life. This also explains why particularly important figures in the history of salvation and models of faith were “awarded” with old age. However, the Bible also knows the grievances and the burdens of old age, so that old people are dependent on the help of others. Nevertheless, the Bible never views ageing as a “curse”. Rather, the Bible seems to put more emphasis on those exemplary and, in this sense, (probably idealized) cases in which age is accentuated as the grace of God. pl_PL
dc.language.iso de pl_PL
dc.publisher Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego pl_PL
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject Bible pl_PL
dc.subject age pl_PL
dc.subject old people pl_PL
dc.subject growing old pl_PL
dc.subject life experience pl_PL
dc.subject wisdom pl_PL
dc.subject Bibel pl_PL
dc.subject Alter pl_PL
dc.subject alte Menschen pl_PL
dc.subject alt werden pl_PL
dc.subject Lebenserfahrung pl_PL
dc.subject Weisheit pl_PL
dc.subject Biblia pl_PL
dc.subject Pismo Święte pl_PL
dc.subject starość pl_PL
dc.subject old age pl_PL
dc.subject osoby starsze pl_PL
dc.subject elderly pl_PL
dc.subject wiek pl_PL
dc.subject starzenie pl_PL
dc.subject ageing pl_PL
dc.subject doświadczenie życiowe pl_PL
dc.subject mądrość pl_PL
dc.subject Stary Testament pl_PL
dc.subject Old Testament pl_PL
dc.subject Ksiega Psalmów pl_PL
dc.subject Book of Psalms pl_PL
dc.subject błogosławieństwo pl_PL
dc.subject przekleństwo pl_PL
dc.subject blessing pl_PL
dc.subject curse pl_PL
dc.subject Ps pl_PL
dc.subject Ps 90 pl_PL
dc.title „Die Zeit unseres Lebens währt siebzig Jahre, wenn es hochkommt, achtzig. Das beste daran ist nur Mühsal und Verhängnis“ (Ps 90,10). Das Alter in der Bibel – Segen oder Fluch? pl_PL
dc.title.alternative “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away” (Ps 90,10). The Age in the Bible – Blessing or Curse? pl_PL
dc.type Article pl_PL

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