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Uzdrowienie przez post – rekolekcje z Postem Daniela

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord Jędraszek, Jan 2024-08-29T13:26:06Z 2024-08-29T13:26:06Z 2014
dc.identifier.citation Communio, 2014, R. 34, nr 4 (188), s. 84-87. pl_PL
dc.identifier.issn 0208-7995
dc.description.abstract The answer to the search for new forms of a holistic care and recovery of human internal balance are retreats with Daniel’s fast offered in the Ballottine Missionary Animation Centre in Konstancin. It is a relatively recent proposal – at least when it comes to its current form, although its origin is Biblical. We find it in the first chapter of the Book of Daniel. It consists in the fact that for 10 days in a program of prayer and recreation we eat only fruits and vegetables according to the dietary recommendations developed in detail by Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska. Retreats with Daniel’s fast are so organized that they constantly alternate different aspects: spiritual, medical, nutritional and recreational. Each of these dimensions is watched by a trained and competent person. The essence of this type of diet is that the body receives a maximum of 800 kcal per day, which causes a shift to the so-called internal nutrition. Hunger disappears, because your body now eats the, sometimes long accumulated, stocks. The retreatant not only loses weight – which of course is not insignificant – but above all, recovers more physical fitness by the unblocking and commissioning of the immune system. Simultaneously, it comes many times to healing of many diseases that did not undergo pharmacological treatment. Each month at least one series of retreats is offered. One can enroll via the website: or pl_PL
dc.description.sponsorship UKSW Warszawa pl_PL
dc.language.iso pl pl_PL
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Pallottinum pl_PL
dc.rights Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject dieta pl_PL
dc.subject diet pl_PL
dc.subject Konstancin-Jeziorna pl_PL
dc.subject pallotyni pl_PL
dc.subject post pl_PL
dc.subject Post Daniela pl_PL
dc.subject rekolekcje pl_PL
dc.subject fast pl_PL
dc.subject Pallottines pl_PL
dc.subject retreat pl_PL
dc.subject uzdrowienie pl_PL
dc.subject healing pl_PL
dc.subject Daniel's Fast pl_PL
dc.title Uzdrowienie przez post – rekolekcje z Postem Daniela pl_PL
dc.type Article pl_PL

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