Repozytorium Theo-logos

Dobro wspólne w demokratycznym państwie prawa

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord Drzyżdżyk, Szymon 2022-12-12T10:07:04Z 2022-12-12T10:07:04Z 2002
dc.identifier.citation Polonia Sacra, 2002, R. 6 (24), Nr 11 (55), s. 96-106. pl_PL
dc.identifier.issn 1428-5673
dc.description.abstract The paper discusses one of the most essential categories of modem democracies, i.e. the common good. It is at the top of priority lists of most entities whose aim is to gain influence in a country. The issue of the common good is by no means an easy matter either in theory (i.e. in defining the notion itself and relating it to other categories), or in practice (i.e. in executing it by means of particular entities which inhabit social space). How to serve the common good, how to multiply it in adverse circumstances? Why is thinking in the categories of the common good such a rare thing, even in these institutions which, it might seem, should strive for it hardest? The paper is trying to answer these and other questions referring to a large degree to the experiences of Ernst Wolfgang Bockenforde, philosopher and lawyer, judge of the Constitutional Tribunal in Karlsruhe. en
dc.language.iso pl pl_PL
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie pl_PL
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject państwo pl_PL
dc.subject demokracja pl_PL
dc.subject dobro wspólne pl_PL
dc.subject prawo pl_PL
dc.subject konstytucje apostolskie pl_PL
dc.subject Gaudium et spes other
dc.subject społeczeństwo pl_PL
dc.subject polityka pl_PL
dc.subject Kościół pl_PL
dc.subject Jan Paweł II pl_PL
dc.subject Karol Wojtyła pl_PL
dc.subject papieże pl_PL
dc.subject Centesimus annus other
dc.subject nation en
dc.subject democracy en
dc.subject common good en
dc.subject law en
dc.subject Apostolic Constitutions en
dc.subject society en
dc.subject politics en
dc.subject Church en
dc.subject John Paul II en
dc.subject popes en
dc.subject dobro pl_PL
dc.subject good en
dc.subject konstytucja pl_PL
dc.subject constitution en
dc.subject dokumenty Kościoła pl_PL
dc.subject Magisterium Kościoła pl_PL
dc.subject clergy en
dc.subject priesthood en
dc.subject kapłani pl_PL
dc.subject duchowieństwo pl_PL
dc.title Dobro wspólne w demokratycznym państwie prawa pl_PL
dc.title.alternative Common Good in Democratic State of Law en
dc.type Article pl_PL

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