The Theological Institute, and since 2012 The Blessed Virgin Mary, The Seat of Wisdom’s Theological Institute in Czestochowa, celebrates the fiftieth anniversary. This celebration is the perfect occasion to show its mission in Czestochowa Archdiocese, in Church, and in Poland. The process of teaching and formation realised for ages in TI, is based on the Christian and Personalist vision of human. The aim of formation in the institute is the promotion of morally and religiously mature Catholics, owning theological knowledge and ready to be involved in different fields of social and Church’s life: in religious education, social- formation groups, in media. Moreover, it concerns the transmitting of proper moral axiology, in order to teach students to follow in life a system of Christian values and not to give in to moral relativism propaganda. For fifty years Theological Institute in Czestochowa has remained faithful to the rules veritati et caritati, is the lively part of history of the Church of Czestochowa and fulfils the last will of its founder bp. Stefan Barela, his successor bp. Stanislaw Nowak and present bishop of Czestochowa Archdiocese, abp. Waclaw Depo.