Repozytorium Theo-logos

Datacja pierwszej misji Pawła w Koryncie

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord Rakocy, Waldemar 2023-07-27T11:00:13Z 2023-07-27T11:00:13Z 2002
dc.identifier.citation Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 1, s. 93-110. pl_PL
dc.identifier.issn 1233-1457
dc.description Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz. pl_PL
dc.description.abstract The author of the article tries to determine the years of St Paul’s first mission to Corinth. In order to do this he presents a review of the state of research from which it follows that 50- 51 AD is the most often mentioned year. However, there are opinions that the Apostle came to Corinth for the first time at the beginning of the forties. The difference in the opinions results from the two premises on which the above datings are based: the time of Gallio’s proconsulate and expulsion of Jews from Rome at the time of Claudius. Analysing the above historical facts the author comes to the conclusion that the year of expulsion of Jews from Rome (41 or 49) is not unequivocally determined, and hence dating St Paul’s first mission to Corinth as the beginning of the forties is doubtful. The time of Gallio’s proconsulate in the years 51-52 should be considered a sure base for the chronology of St Paul. Since he came to Corinth more than a year before Gallio took office, his first mission to that town would last from February/March 50 to August/September 51. Defining the Apostle’s stay in Corinth also allows pointing to the moment of the beginning of his journey that brought him to the capital of Achaia. Evangelising the previous centres took Paul at least two years, so he set off from Antioch no later than spring 48; however, it is more probable that it happened a year earlier. pl_PL
dc.language.iso pl pl_PL
dc.publisher Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego pl_PL
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject datacja podróży św. Pawła pl_PL
dc.subject Paweł w Koryncie pl_PL
dc.subject druga wyprawa misyjna św. Pawła pl_PL
dc.subject pierwsza wyprawa misyjna św. Pawła pl_PL
dc.subject pierwsza misja św. Pawła w Koryncie pl_PL
dc.subject druga misja św. Pawła w Koryncie pl_PL
dc.subject prokonsul Gallio pl_PL
dc.subject wypędzenie Żydów z Rzymu pl_PL
dc.subject Żydzi pl_PL
dc.subject Rzym pl_PL
dc.subject Paweł apostoł pl_PL
dc.subject Korynt pl_PL
dc.subject ewangelizacja pl_PL
dc.subject misje pl_PL
dc.subject misje św. Pawła pl_PL
dc.subject edykt Klaudiusza pl_PL
dc.subject Nowy Testament pl_PL
dc.subject Biblia pl_PL
dc.subject Pismo Święte pl_PL
dc.subject biblistyka pl_PL
dc.subject dating of Saint Paul's journey pl_PL
dc.subject Paul in Corinth pl_PL
dc.subject second missionary expedition of Saint Paul pl_PL
dc.subject first missionary expedition of Saint Paul pl_PL
dc.subject Saint Paul's first mission to Corinth pl_PL
dc.subject Saint Paul's second mission to Corinth pl_PL
dc.subject proconsul Gallio pl_PL
dc.subject expulsion of Jews from Rome pl_PL
dc.subject Jews pl_PL
dc.subject Rome pl_PL
dc.subject Paul the Apostle pl_PL
dc.subject apostołowie pl_PL
dc.subject apostles pl_PL
dc.subject Corinth pl_PL
dc.subject evangelization pl_PL
dc.subject missions pl_PL
dc.subject Saint Paul's missions pl_PL
dc.subject Claudius' edict pl_PL
dc.subject New Testament pl_PL
dc.subject Bible pl_PL
dc.subject biblical studies pl_PL
dc.title Datacja pierwszej misji Pawła w Koryncie pl_PL
dc.title.alternative Dating St Paul’s First Mission to Corinth pl_PL
dc.type Article pl_PL

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